"Out of all the fitness books out there, Baseline Fitness is by far the best one for the average Joe."

- Matt B.

Have you seen beach photos from the 1970s? Everyone looks healthy and trim. WTF?

Why can't we have this now?Processed food. Sedentary careers. Stress. Inflation. Social media. AI.These things are killing us and making our world sick and unnatural.You know this.But struggle to make a change.Temptations are everywhere.Going against the cultural flow is difficult.But if you slow down and listen, you'll realize a lot of people are craving this new path.Simplicity and more natural living.We're more connected than ever...but not in a good way.We're at a crossroads.Why is health declining?Because that is the way the system is designed. We're caught in the system and it won't change until we change.This program isn't working. It's unfolding. You see it and feel it. Fewer and fewer people can afford this system. The standard of living is declining.There is no other fitness book like Baseline Fitness.There is no book that summarizes the changes and includes just the right information in a way that you can easily implement.You’re going to rebuild yourself completely.In the words of Robert Greene from 48 Laws of Power, you’re going to Recreate Yourself.Imagine a Properties dialog in a software application. You’re going to select some different settings from which to run your life.The first setting is walking outside. Getting in nature. Nature is curative. It’s healing. Our shift from outdoor living to indoor living has caused problems. We’ve become disconnected from the pulse. Pumped full of chemicals, hormones, and distortions of nature.You’ll work on your posture and breathing. Computers and phones have killed our posture. Our breaths are shallow and our shoulders slumped over.You'll develop a posture of poise, with deep, full breaths and a connected body.Begin to live in an improved posture. Discipline your body. Move away from the computer screen and get outside.What are you eating? Do you know what’s killing your health? The sugar, the alcohol, the seed oils, the overly processed foods… You'll learn how to identify these things so your food is building you up. You’re not feeding yourself if you’re eating trash.Learn which supplements are super-handy to have on hand.There is no promise of monetary success on the Baseline Fitness program.But Baseline Fitness is not just a program--it's a movement.You’ll look at things differently.Your needs will be different and you'll spend more intelligently.You’ll create connections with others who want to see the Great Restoration.And you'll build it together in your area.Baseline Fitness is less than 30 pages. No stories. No fluff. It’s pure info that you can easily absorb and implement.Fewer than 30 pages. Read and reread to drill in the default settings.As you do, you’ll be moving towards Baseline Fitness.The Great Restoration is underway.Working Man FitnessGet the PDF and join the program

P.S. For you corporate types, there is no shame in printing this thing out at work.