Desk Jockey Fitness: A Successful Day at the Office From a Health and Fitness Perspective

What does a successful day at the office look like?

The Commute

You arrive to the office refreshed. You got a great night’s sleep and gave yourself plenty of time to get ready in the morning and to drive into work so you didn’t feel hurried at all. It was all smooth sailing!

The Arrival

You park your car far away, so you get a good walk in before you get to your desk and sit down. If you have a breakfast to eat, you eat your breakfast before logging in to your computer—you don’t eat and check emails.
In fact, you wait to check emails until later—you have a plan for the day and you don’t want email to sidetrack you.

Getting Into the Swing of Things

After 50 minutes, you get up. You’ve been drinking water so you go to the bathroom. You take a short little walk, thinking about what is next and you return to your desk with the vigor to tackle the task.

If you drink coffee, you limit yourself to one—maybe two—and not a supersize, either. You don’t add sugar or fake creamer, you take it black or you use a real creamer like a real man (or woman).

If someone brings in donuts, you run the other way, remembering that you can’t outrun a donut (i.e. it’s infeasible to attempt to exercise off the calories consumed from one donut).

Lunch Time

At lunch time, you don’t go out to lunch with buddies—hardly ever. You know that when you do that you overeat and get lower quality food. You do bring in a reasonably portioned lunch that you enjoy eating slowly and chewing thoroughly. If you do have a big lunch, your dinner is small. After eating lunch, you take another walk, 15 to 30 minutes.

The Afternoon

In the afternoon, you have a no-snacking policy so you avoid those sugary treats that people typically eat when their circadian rhythms lull. If you can’t avoid snacking, you bring in some trail mix or a healthier snack that cannot be found in the vending machines or the cafeteria.

You continue to get up frequently—every 50-55 minutes or so, or any time you’re starting to feel fatigued. When fatigue sets in, mistakes creep in, too, so avoiding sitting and slumping at your desk helps your output.

Closing Up Shop

Before shutting down for the day, you give yourself a pat on the back for a day at the office well-executed from not just a work perspective, but also from a health and fitness perspective. Write down what you need to do the following morning and expect success. Now scoot out the side door—you’ve been so productive and focused that you can leave a little early!

Want more?

Go to this page and read about the importance of posture. Keep clicking and you’ll find the page that gives you some drills you can do at your desk!