Category: Uncategorized

  • Current training and a video

    The major focus of late has been on the big 3: walking, posture, and stretching. I did a quick video about that you can see that here: Those are my big three. But I’m adding in some weights, but none of 25 pounds. I’m not counting my reps. I’m just purely focused on the weight,…

  • Summer’s gone and winter will be here soon

    It’s been fall for a while, but today the sun has that certain tint, and the fallen red maple leaves remind me–winter’ll be here soon. There’s the usual stuff to do. Getting the hoses inside. Turning off the outside water. Getting the snow blower started, and the gas out of the lawn mowers. But there’s…

  • Leadership failures all around, new training methods

    Coming to my mind is Edmund Burke…something like if you can’t self govern you need a more powerful government. Thinking of health, we’re at the point now where the apparatus has become so polluted by bad food that we need increasingly invasive methods to address health, and we are seeing the young get less healthy…

  • Family history and heart health

    My mom’s dad and my dad died of heart attacks. 73 and 70, respectively. At 35, I started getting heart palpitations. My aunt has had several heart surgeries and ablations. Get the picture? I want to be mindful about my heart. When I originally had heart palpitations, I got Holter monitors and stress tests and…

  • Finding your own style

    Working from home has taught me a lot. Who I am, what I like, how I want to spend my time, how I plan my day… And how I train. First of all, if you’re not commuting, you don’t move as much. The bathroom is a 30 foot walk max. This is the first time…

  • Some deeper information on posture

    Lately I’ve been doing some reading of the book Awareness and I’ve also been reading more deeply some pasture stuff. You’ll remember that I have the Allen Calvert posture exercises in the Home Gym Strength and Health plan. I came across that stuff a while ago and it really made a difference but I haven’t…

  • Conscientious healthcare

    Long time readers will know that one of my favorite quotes is from William Muldoon who said, “We know what we ought to do, we just don’t do it.” Yep. Some bad habits are fun. Like drinking with friends. Or staying up late to watch TV. Or eating sugar. It tastes good, it makes us…

  • Breathing during exercise

    A while back I bought a book on systema breathing. One of the keys I took away from that book was matching the movement to the breath, with the breath leading just slightly. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Calm. This article on Dragon Door sums the principles up nicely. I’ve heard Stave…

  • Current training April 2021

    It’s been quite a while since I’ve written about my training, but I’ve gotten a few training-related questions lately. So I figured I’d put in some digital ink and talk a bit about it. This is in no particular order but if you’ve purchased the Home Gym Health and Strength Plan you know I have…

  • Gaining strength and size with Perry Rader

    Back in the day there was a culture of build yourself up with the barbell. Somehow, this culture seems lost on many of today’s men. A shame, really. The barbell is a builder. Sure, I like kettlebells and all, but the barbell kind of stands out on its own as a builder of strong men.…