A basement strength workout that will give you a strong hands and back – plus speed-strength

Occasionally I get asked about my workouts. Readers of my ebook know I have several template workouts in there, but the goal is to move beyond templates and experiment with things that work best for your body type.

As you change, as work/life demands creep up, after a night of partying, or after a sickness or whatever, your training will be different.

One thing that works well for me is frequent and brief training with light to moderate weights and occasionally heavy weights. In fact, only one week per month might feature the ‘big guns’ (heavy weights) whereas the bulk of training is done with light to moderate.

In terms of frequency, one great signal for me is how well I’m sleeping. If my sleep starts suffering or I’m feeling anxious, I’m overtraining. That’s a big key I figured out recently. And given the amount of stress being injected into the world thanks to our friends in the corporate media, we all have to be mindful of the load our bodies and minds are under.

All that said, I recorded a YouTube video after my May 18th, 2022 exercise session. If this incredible prose has enticed you this far, you might as well spend a few minutes going a bit deeper:


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