Building lasting health

A couple weekends ago we had some people from the church over. Two of the dudes were saying basically the same thing:

“I did Insanity for about a month and then stopped because my joints hurt.”

In case you don’t know, Insanity is one of the follow-along fitness programs that in my mind is far too intense. There’s nothing wrong with intensity, but when 88% of your population is metabolically unhealthy, you need a different approach.

Hippocrate’s, known as the father of medicine, said the following: “Walking is man’s best medicine.”

And it’s with that in mind that I’m going to share these two videos below. Because while walking is man’s best medicine, we live in a culture that values the extreme. So I’m here to help get us back to the simple and unsexy basics.

In these videos I do not go deep on isometric structure. I encourage you to amplify your walking habit with that key posture insight. But still, these videos should motivate and encourage you to get walking, build the habit, and do a few other things (like get your sugar below 30 grams per day) that will dial in some basic health building stuff.

This health building stuff won’t destroy your joints in a month. It will build them month after month. And build you, too. There are no fast fixes. So adopt the slow and steady approach, stay pain free, enjoy activity, and keep building from there.

Video 2:

Final video in the sequence. This video adds weights on top of the Baseline Fitness that you built:


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