Category: Exercises

  • The Benefits of the Turkish Get Up

    Strong from head to toe. That’s what the Turkish Get Up (TGU) will make you. It’s the exercises that develop your strength from the ground up that give you all the strength you could possibly want. That’s what the Turkish Get Up does. I prefer it with a kettlebell, because holding onto the kettlebell develops…

  • The Benefits of Single Leg Balance

    Single leg balance is awesome. It develops incredible strength in the hips. It’s as though you were training your hips for sprinting–that’s the kind of bone development response you get–but all you have to do is just stand there. By just standing there, you learn to focus and can develop your concentration. It centers and…

  • Three Steps to a Consistent Health and Wellness Routine

    The basic life decisions that we mess up on a daily basis aren’t hard. They just require planning and self discipline—and a vision of who and what you want to be. Want to develop an awesome health and wellness routine? Here are three things you can do. Adopt a Framework Frameworks are great. Hopefully you’ve…

  • Staying Fit and Healthy with Changing Circumstances

    One week you have a lighter schedule, the next week things are intense. You have to care for a mom or dad for a period of time and your schedule becomes hectic. You go back to grad school and you have to balance work, family, and school. Things change. In the face of change, how…

  • The Benefits of Good Hand Grippers

    I always chuckle when people first try the Iron Mind hand gripper at my desk. They squeeze it and then I ask if they closed it. Then they look at it, somewhat quizzically, and then try again. But, the Iron Mind Gripers are more than just a novelty trick. They develop really strong hands and…

  • Focus

    When I was taking training from Steve Maxwell, he had me email my training goals. This I did and then he designed a program to help me meet them. Simple enough. But what I vividly remember is sneaking in a workout with a friend that had nothing to do with my goals. He berated me…

  • Using the 16 kg Kettlebell to Kick Ass

    I don’t know anyone of us who does not want be kick ass strong. It’s cool to be able to side kick open a door, knock someone out with one punch, carry a ridiculous amount of groceries with one arm, and do a one-legged squat holding your 25 lb. toddler. Yeah, right, you say. I…

  • The Benefits of the Kettlebell Clean and Press

    Every now and then I focus deeply on a particular exercise. Since late 2014 until now, that exercise has been the kettlebell clean and press. Let me tell you, doing this one correctly hits you all over.

  • The Stretching You Don’t Know About: Isometric Stretching

    When most people talk about stretching, they are talking about trying to physically lengthen the muscle, as though the muscle is tight. In Relax Into Stretch, a book by Pavel Tsatsouline, Pavel writes that this type of stretching is ineffective at best and dangerous at worst. Stretching is not about physically lengthening muscles. Stretching is…

  • Dig Into It Deeper

    David Schwartz’s great book The Magic of Thinking Big says that to set off enthusiasm, you must dig into it deeper.