Category: Exercises

  • How to improve your posture and increase your vitality

    Ah the sit down life. The smartphone life. Hunched shoulders, head forward posture…chest caved in. Of course, there are exercises you can do to fix this. But do you really think a few exercises are going to overcome consistently bad posture? You have to begin to get some awareness over how you’re holding your body…

  • Bringing fitness to the masses

    Last night I was checking out Bill O’Reilly on YouTube. What I really appreciate about him is that there is no speculation. If he doesn’t know, he says so. Does he have a political bent, sure. He’s definitely more conservative than liberal, and I disagree with him in some areas. In our culture nowadays though,…

  • 5 ways to develop super strong legs

    The first exercise many people think of when they think of strong legs is the squat. True, it’s a beautiful, effective exercise. But it’s not the only one. And I daresay, it’s not even the first I’d select. My preference is for exercises that “wake up” my legs, develop flexibility, balance, and coordination. Increasing the…

  • Are you carrying a smile into your training session?

    My six year-old has been struggling. Hell, I’ve been struggling. Not leaving the house to go to the office and always being around is a big change. And not always enjoyable, especially when the kids are misbehaving. So yesterday I thought I’d have a little discussion on cheerfulness. Looked up a verse in Proverbs about…

  • Nerves like steel, muscles like iron – George Jowett shows you how

    I couldn’t believe when I was outbid for George Jowett’s Unrevealed Secrets of Man. 2 bucks. Both volumes. I bid $105. But that was a blessing, because the urge to purchase was so high, I immediately went looking for some other Jowett stuff and found his 12 week course, the original!, for $130. Sold. His…

  • How George Jowett style training is perfect for the modern man

    I’ll never forget how impressed I was with was Mike DiCerbo. He was an accomplished dude. A true patriarch. The kind of servant leader who is indispensable wherever he goes. He was the leader of the Toastmaster club, The Scottsdalians. He once quieted a room of hundreds just the power of his voice and his…

  • Strength without weights – little known exercises that “put the pep into you”

    A poor posture can really devitalize you. Many of us have posture postures. For nearly two months now, I’ve been “a disciple of Jowett.” George Jowett that is. And if you haven’t heard of him, you should have. One of those sentenced-to-death-by-doctors stories. They said he was going to die and he revitalized himself into…

  • Information on the Mighty Atom

    “What time is?” Joseph (the future Mighty Atom) asked? “Morning?” Valenko replied. “Why are we up so early?” “It’s the best time.” “For what?” “Everything.” Tell you what. I’ve been pretty pumped up reading about the Mighty Atom. It’s not long into the book that you get into what makes everything work: willpower. See, his doctors…

  • The Russian Asset who introduced the kettlebell

    In the 1990s, Pavel Tsatsouline infiltrated the US to introduce the kettlebell in an evil plot to… Make America Strong Again! And therein came the divide between the haves and the have nots. Those who got ridiculously strong and those who floundered and blamed their age, genetics, peer group and anyone but themselves for their…

  • How to restore yourself after health setbacks and challenges

    After I had that kombucha, something just didn’t feel right. Then it started. Gut pain. And lots of it. So bad that I could barely stand up straight. I’d had this before, but not this bad. It wiped me out completely. I was going to bed as early as I could and sleeping as long…