Category: Exercises

  • Are you taking care of yourself?

    “We know pretty well what we ought to do, we just don’t do it.” said William Muldoon who insisted that he didn’t do anything he know he shouldn’t. Muldoon was an interesting fellow who lived well—a role model. Someone to emulate. A lodestar. It’s easier to follow a mode of behavior if you have a…

  • Meditation – What’s Worked for Me

    For many people, meditation conjures up tranquil images of someone, usually an attractive female, sitting in full lotus. It’s something that other people do, it’s esoteric, and hey, who has the time to actually do it. Someone once commented on an article I had posted on Facebook about doing nothing—just sitting there. She was frazzled,…

  • Death of Routine and other stuff that’s not serving me

    Isn’t it enough that our jobs require a fairly regular schedule? Why do I have to create my own regular schedule around that? Get up, go to the bathroom, press the coffee button, do my baby crawling exercises, meditate, exercise, write/read, eat, shower, go to work – and then start the work routine? Routines are…

  • To Improve Your Posture, Don’t Break It

    My daughter is just over one years old. I’ve seen her go from blob to unstoppable bundle of energy walking and now starting to run. What I notice most though is her posture. It’s great! I’ve written about the Baby Crawling exercises that I am a huge fan of. They help. But good posture is…

  • Combating Rounded Shoulders with George Jowett

    Recently I read Key to Might and Muscle by George Jowett. One chapter talked about round shoulders. It really spoke to me because as someone who writes and sits at a desk, round shoulders can easily develop—and have.

  • 3 great benefits of MAX reps chin up with knee raise

    Every now and then I like doing a high rep chin up with knee raise set. There are so many benefits to high intensity training and my favorite one is saving time. A powerful exercise for the upper body High rep chins really work your grip and forearms. It’s tough hanging onto the bar and…

  • The Morning Recharge

    A great way to get energized immediately in the morning is to develop a morning recharge. Something that gets you going for the day. Something physical that gets you moving. In fact, your morning recharge can lead right into your exercise, and then your exercise for the day is accomplished. Here are some things I…

  • A bodyweight routine to follow

    I have time constraints. It’s hard to get 40 consecutive minutes to exercise. If you’re in a similar predicament, or just want a bodyweight routine to follow, this post is for you. This is how it looks (click to open Google Docs Spreadsheet):

  • The Chin Up

    The chin up is one of my favorite exercises. It develops your grip, your back, your biceps, your shoulders, your forearms—it’ll hit pretty much your entire upper body. It’s a big exercise that builds efficiency. Less time, more work, get out and play sooner. Chin Ups for Major Strength You can add weight to your…

  • Baby Don’t Need No Kettlebell

    One of my favorite Steve Maxwell stories is from a Ryan Lee Boot Camp. Steve Cotter and some other guy were on stage demonstrating kettlebells along with Steve Maxwell. Cotter and this other dude were tossing a 70 pound kettlebell back-and-forth flipping it through the air while doing swings. They were obviously showing off. After…