Author: qualler

  • A basement strength workout that will give you a strong hands and back – plus speed-strength

    Occasionally I get asked about my workouts. Readers of my ebook know I have several template workouts in there, but the goal is to move beyond templates and experiment with things that work best for your body type. As you change, as work/life demands creep up, after a night of partying, or after a sickness…

  • Pavel Tsatsouline’s approach to strength

    I want to jot down some thoughts about my training and what has been really working well for me this past year. First of all, I owe a lot of credit to Warrior’s Way by Jon H. Hansen. This book and its focus on isometric structure is transformative. But then there is the Pavel approach–just…

  • Incorporating isometrics into your program

    What are isometrics? A black art? Voodoo magic? All of the above? To me, isometrics are a sort of voodoo magic in that in terms of practical strength, you really can’t beat them. Practical strength: carrying kids, groceries, stuff around the yard. Pushing things. Pulling things. In fact most things you’re doing some sort of…

  • Adopting a daily deadlifting habit on top of a walking habit

    Long term readers have heard the story where I read Warrior’s Way and learned about isometric structure. That book encouraged me to up my walking habit. Around the same time, I discovered the power of the 30 minute daily brisk walk. It’s like the most low-hanging fruit lifesaver in existence. So, you combine these two–the…

  • The daily salad

    One game changer for your nutrition can be the daily salad. I’ve learned a lot about this cornerstone of the diet over the years. Brooks Kubik seems to do it best: Leafy salad greens Chopped up fresh herbs (thyme, sage, basil, etc.) Bison burger I’ve changed things a bit because we’re all unique, but Brooks…

  • Walking as primary training stimulus

    A long while back in my Burger King days, I was moved by an older women. Much older. No, this isn’t one of those tales–what moved me was that she was in incredible shape, walking vigorously and farmer’s walking with two bags of groceries. Maybe in her late 60s or even her 70s. It appeared…

  • A journey into isometric structure

    What is isometric structure you ask. It’s how you hold your body, in place, isometrically. The muscles are tight, but not changing length. Repatterning your body. Reorganizing your structure. Tucking your butt under to get rid of your anterior pelvic tilt. All these things and more. It’s been a long journey for me. As a…

  • Sadguru’s cautionary tale about modern living: get out in nature

    I’m a modern man, a man for the millennium, digital and smoke free… Many among you will remember Carlin’s “Modern Man” and perhaps even some of George Carlin’s warning about the time we’re living in. This video isn’t Carlin, it’s Sadguru. Somehow the YouTube algorithm introduced me to him some while back. Occasionally I get…

  • Building health by walking

    If you haven’t noticed I’ve been doing a ton of content about walking. It’s king. No, it won’t make you a superstar athlete. Who gives a fuck? Sorry for the French but the disdain for fundamentals is ridiculous. The walking habit can save us. The movement habit. The outdoor habit…. these are all things we…

  • The sinus situation

    My wife gets sinus infections. Our oldest daughter has, too. For my daughter, the key is to catch it early and get the neti pot involved to clean snot out. My wife struggles but has found some interesting ways to deal with it. Including using a nebulizer. Last Monday, I came out of my fast…